9 Types of Coffee Machines – An Overview

Espresso coffee machines

The espresso machine was invented in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the engineer Luigi Bezzera, from where it spread throughout Europe.

They are electric and, unlike the traditional drip or Italian coffee machines, they allow hot water, usually at 90 degrees, to flow through the finely ground coffee for 20 to 30 seconds at a pressure of 8 to 10 atmospheres, thus extracting its flavor and essence. They are the closest thing to professional coffee makers found in cafes.

Capsule coffee machines

Like espresso machines, capsule coffee machines have a pressure pump inside the machine that quickly produces a full-bodied coffee.

Depending on the manufacturer, there are different types of capsules (Nespresso, Dolce Gusto, Senseo…). When the coffee capsule is placed in the machine, the capsule is punctured and the machine starts heating hot water, which is injected into the capsule at high pressure, producing the coffee.

Fully automatic coffee machines

They are built like the espresso machines, but differ from them in that the fully automatic machines do everything from grinding the coffee beans to preparing the perfect cup.

Drip coffee machines

With filters, a large container and a metal zone that keeps the coffee ready and hot. You get a very clean coffee. Because of the process by which this coffee is obtained, we can enjoy many flavors and aromas.

This type of coffee maker is usually sold without a filter, so you can choose the filter that suits you best. There are two types of filters: permanent filters and paper filters.

Italian coffee machines

The Italian coffee maker is one of the most practical models because it is very easy to use. The Italian coffee maker, also known as the Moka or Macchinetta coffee maker, uses steam to brew the coffee.

Piston Coffee Machines

Piston or French coffee makers are the simplest coffee makers you can find and are also probably the cheapest among current models. They produce a tasty coffee with a certain dreg. The coffee will taste more bitter the longer you let it sit, as it dissolves more into the mixture. A perfect coffee for the occasional drinker.

Cold brew coffee machines

These coffee makers produce a truly spectacular coffee flavor from coffee that has been exposed to cold water or room temperature for a few hours.

This system has the added benefit of making the coffee less acidic (great news for coffee lovers with sensitive stomachs). The coffee is made with cold water from the start and the process takes about 24 hours. It is therefore never heated.

Hydro-pressure coffee machines

These steam coffee makers are designed to easily prepare coffee with a taste similar to that of a drip coffee maker, with the ability to regulate the intensity of the coffee depending on the amount of water used.

They are all equipped with a steam attachment for preparing milk froth (the big difference with drip coffee machines).

They work very similar to espresso machines (they have a portafilter with a handle and a filter, usually made of stainless steel, into which the ground coffee is poured), except that they are very easy to use, are cheaper and offer less pressure (which is why the coffee taste is different).

Vacuum siphon coffee maker

A coffee maker with a vacuum siphon works just like a siphon: by heating and cooling the lower tank, the vapor pressure of the water in the lower tank changes so that the water is first pushed up into the upper tank and then falls back down into the lower tank.

They also offer a spectacular design.